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alternative care − the provision by the State of such family care to a child without parental care that shall address the individual needs of the child, and give priority to the best interests of the child, including the right to live and the right to healthy development, the hearing of the opinion of the child,the participation of the child, and other rights and freedoms of the child.
An internally displaced person (IDP) - shall be a citizen of Georgia or a stateless person having a status in Georgia, who was forced to leave their permanent place of residence, because the occupation of the territory by a foreign country, aggression, an armed conflict, global violence and/or massive violation of human rights posed a threat to his/her or his/her family member's life, health or freedom, and/or, taking any of the said reasons into consideration, he/she cannot return to his/her permanent place of residence.
A person with disabilities – a person with substantial physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments, which, when exposed to various barriers, may hinder the full and efficient participation of that person in the social life on an equal basis with others.
A student with special educational needs - a student who experiences learning difficulties, cannot fulfill the minimum requirements set by the national curriculum for the relevant class and/or needs adaptation/broadening of the national curriculum, adaptation of the environment, alternative curriculum and/or special educational services.
Abortion – artificial termination of a pregnancy that is performed (a) deliberately up to 12 weeks of pregnancy (based on the woman’s request); or (b) in accordance with medical and social indications, between 12 and 22 weeks of pregnancy.
Adolescent birth rate - The number of births to women aged 15-19 per 1,000 women in that age group.
Adoption of a child – defined as a deliberate refusal to the parental right of a child offered for adoption and transfer of a child to the adoptive parent(s) for care and upbringing. Adoption refers to a relationship between an adoptive parent and an adoptee, similar to the relationship between a parent and a child, established under the law. The necessary precondition for the adoption of a child is the consent of the parent(s), which they shall submit to a guardianship and custodianship local authority. Adoption of an orphan or abandoned child is permissible without parental consent. The consent of the parent(s) is also not required if they were declared as missing or dead by a court.
Age-specific fertility rate – number of births to women in a particular age group, divided by the number of women in that age group. It is expressed as the average number of live births per 1,000 women in a specific age group.
Agricultural enterprise – A holding operated by legal entity: limited liability company, general partnership, limited partnership, joint stock company, cooperative, etc.
Agricultural holding (holding) – An economic unit engaged in agricultural production under single management without regard to its size and legal status. There are two types of agricultural holding: family holding and agricultural enterprise.
Average nominal monthly wages – calculated by dividing the total wage fund by the average number of hired employees who received the wages in the respective period (quarter, year). The number of part-time employees is recalculated into full-time equivalents.