Vector 3


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Remembering or Concentrating limitation – a person has a long-term or permanent disturbance of perception, attention, memory, thinking, etc. This category includes multiple sclerosis, obsessive states, etc;
Remembering or Concentrating limitation – a person has a long-term or permanent disturbance of perception, attention, memory, thinking, etc. This category includes multiple sclerosis, obsessive states, etc.
Residential care − a form of alternative care exercised in the case of urgency and for the shortest period possible, when it is not possible to adopt or place a child in foster care.
Relative poverty – estimated for two population thresholds: • Share of population under 60 per cent of median consumption • Share of population under 40 per cent of median consumption The two relative poverty thresholds are calculated according to the median of the population distribution by the total consumption (consumption expenditure). • Median consumption – population distribution by total consumption is such a value that half (50 per cent) of the total population consumes less than it while the other half consumes more than it. • Relative poverty indicators – estimated based on the total household consumption recalculated for the equalized adult with regard to the shared consumption (cohabitation) effect.
Restrictive order – an act issued by an authorized police officer that determines temporary measures for protecting a victim of domestic violence and that shall be submitted for approval to a court within 24 hours after its issuance. Non-fulfilment of the requirements under a restraining/protective order by the abuser shall result in legal liability under Georgian legislation.
Robbery – attack aimed at holding someone’s property accompanied with a violent act hazardous to a life or a violent act dangerous to someone’s health or intimidation by using such an act of violence.